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St. Elizabeth Smile Station

The St. Elizabeth Smile Station will be coming to CLSD on February 19th and 20th to provide dental care to our students during school hours! Packets have been sent home with students as well as to parents via Final Forms. This service is available to any student who does not have a dentist or has never seen a dentist. Please return all packets by February 13th if you are interested in this service! 

Student Parking Pass

CHS student parking passes are now available for purchase for the 24-25 school year. If you are interested in purchasing one, please fill out the below google form. Once your pass is ready you will be contacted to pick it up in the HS office. When you come to pick up your pass, please note we will need $35 payable by cash or check as well as a copy of your driver's license and insurance card. The $35 parking pass will also include a student athletic pass for the 24-25 school year. You can access the form here.